WordCamp San Diego 2013 – Decoding Core Contribution

I had the pleasure of sharing at WordCamp San Diego about WordPress contribution!

Thanks to the organizers for the opportunity, and a great event.

You can see the slides after the break, and here, in PDF form.

Continue reading WordCamp San Diego 2013 – Decoding Core Contribution

Introduction to Contribution

I just finished talking about how you can get involved with WordPress core contributions at WordCamp Orange County!

Thanks for the organizers, Jeff Zinn and Brandon Dove for inviting me, and to Helen Hou-Sandi for looking over my slides and offering superawesometm suggestions.

You can find the slides below!
Continue reading Introduction to Contribution

Speaking at WordCamp Orange County 2012

I’ve been invited to speak at WordCamp Orange County!

I’ll be presenting an introduction to the WordPress Contribution Community, and how you can get started with core code contributions, in particular!

If ya’ll have any specific questions that you’d like me to address in the talk, please let me know in the comments.

WordCamp OC is organized by the awesome guys over at Pixel Jar, Jeffrey Zinn and Brandon Dove, who ran a great camp last year.

It’s sadly sold out, but will be June 2-3, 2012 at Vanguard University.

For further details on the event, speakers, and sessions, check out the official WordCamp OC website.

Looking forward to seeing ya’ll there!

Slides can now be found here.